A2 - My Illustration
- I chose this illustration because I believe it is a good example of what I would like to pursue during this class: working digitally, creating something loose, and finally looking towards what inspires me and what kind of styles I am drawn to. For this piece, I was inspired by band posters and their decorative and creative ways to represent a band and/or concert event.
- This is a digital work and a illustration to be used as a band poster.
- The purpose of this band poster inspired piece is to take elements that the band I was inspired by likes aesthetically. Red Vox takes inspiration from modern psychedelic bands and imagery. The song that this piece was inspired by, In the Garden, has a similar sound. It is trying to capture imagery that is "trippy" and heavily inspired by imagery you would see in the 70's, but still keeping something that was made by my hand. However, this was never intended for the band, it was just a personal project for my own purposes. On that note, my purpose if an official product or design for the band would be to incorporate text to help in its purpose, to be decorative and still retrain it's illustrative purpose of being informative.
- If I were to print this poster out and if the band were to use it, the context would be metro areas, near a concert venue or a musical event, like a festival.
- I suppose the message is, to grab from our textbook, to "catch the eye" and to capture this band's style within an image, while still keeping the image "informative and decorative".
- Going back to the hypothetical scenario if this was an official commission, the work's sender would be the band or someone working with the band that would be in charge of such arrangements.
- Intended audience would be concert goers, fans of the band, possibly more aimed towards young adults (early 20s-early 30s).
- The medium is digital, made in a program called Autodesk Sketchbook Pro.